Monday 1 June 2015

Let's travel!

Imagine you are going to plan a trip to London city. Before travelling, you need some vocabulary in English to be able to ask for a room at the hotel, check in your luggage at the airport, ask for directions in the city or ask for a drink at the pub. 

Make your own trip dictionary and organize it in different sections: Airport, Hotel, Restaurant&Pubs, and Street&Shops.

This dictionary may have not only words but also some useful expressions. Use internet and ordinary dictionaries to do it. There must be at least 5 sentences and 5 words in each section.


    -Hola me puede guiar hasta mi terminal?
    -Me dice cuanto pesa mi maleta?
    - He perdido mi avion?
    -Hello can guide me to my terminal?
    -I said as my suitcase weighs ?
    - I lost my plane?

    - Buenos dias, este es mi hotel?
    - hola, tenia reservada una habitacion.
    - Good morning, this is my hotel?
    - Hello, I had reserved a room.

    - Buenos dias , que me recomienda para comer?
    - Me pone un vino?
    - Donde esta el baño?

    - Good morning , who recommends me to eat ?
    - I put a wine?
    - Where is the bathroom?

    -Hola, me puede decir donde se embarca la maleta?
    - A que hora sale mi avion?
    - Por donde se va a la terminal A?
    Hello, can you tell me where embarks suitcase ?
    - What time does my plane?
    - Wherever he goes to the terminal A?
    - Hola, hay una habitacion a nombre de Ana Miranda ?
    - Hola, me dice a que hora ponen las comidas?
    - Por donde se llega a mi cuarto?
    - Hello, there is a room in the name of Ana Miranda ?
    - Hey , you tell me what time to get meals?
    - Wherever you come to my room?

    - Buenas noches, me pone un plato de espaguetis?
    - Hola, que me recomienda?
    - Cuanto cuesta?

    - Good night, it makes me a plate of spaghetti ?
    - Hey , would you recommend?
    - How much does it cost?

    1. a que hora sale el vuelo hacia Londres?
      what time does the flight to London ?

      cual es nombre tiene el hotel
      which is has the hotel name

      donde esta la parada de taxis?
      Where is the taxi stand?

      Buenas noches me puede dar la llave de mi habitación
      Good night can give me the key to my room

      el comedor esta en la primera planta
      the dining room is on the first floor

      perdon como puedo llegar a la catedral ?
      sorry as I can get to the cathedral?

      hoy comeremos en el Macdonals
      Today we eat in the Macdonals

  3. That leaves the aircraft destination terminal Barcelona
    I would like to reserve a room at their hotel
    Here where there is a cheap restaurant near
    Where there is a cocktail bar that is close
    Where the Abbey Road street please .
    Where is the nearest shopping center.


    What time does my plane?
    Where is the terminal?
    What time embarked?
    How much weight my suitcase?
    HOTEL: I have a book on bhalf of Carlota.
    I what have room number?
    What time they close the pool?
    Is there saunas?
    Where do you go to the restaurant?
    What do you recommend?
    Can I bring another plate?
    Get me a glass of wine.
    All very rich thanks
    How much is the bill?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. HOTEL:

    ¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles?
    Do you have any rooms available?

    ¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación para dos personas?
    How much is a room for two people?

    Bien, me quedo
    OK, I will take it

    Me quedaré por ______ noche(s)
    I will stay for ______ night(s)

    ¿Está incluido el desayuno?
    Is the breakfast included?

    Quiero registrar mi salida
    I want to check out


    Where is the check-in desk for the flight to London?
    - ¿Donde esta el check-in para el vuelo a londres?

    Did you pack your luggage yourself?
    ¿Hizo su equipaje usted mismo?

    Have you left your luggage unattended at anytime?
    ¿Ha dejado su equipaje en algun momento solo?

    Which gate is the flight to London leaving from?
    ¿En que puerta sale el vuelo para londres?

    What time will we be boarding
    - ¿A que hora embarcamos?


    ¿Dónde esta _____?
    Where is ______?

    la estación de trenes?
    …the train station?

    …la estación de autobuses?
    …the bus station

    …el aerpouerto?
    …the airport?

    …el centro?
    …the downtown?


    Una mesa pra dos, por favor
    A table for two people, please

    ¿Me permite ver el menú por favor?
    Can I look at the menu, please?

    Soy vegetarino
    I’m a vegetarian

    Quiero _____
    I want _____

    La cuenta por favor
    The check, please

    ¿Cuánto es?
    How much is it?

  7. a que hora sale el vuelo hacia Londres?
    what time does the flight to London ?

    cual es nombre tiene el hotel
    which is has the hotel name

    donde esta la parada de taxis?
    Where is the taxi stand?

    Buenas noches me puede dar la llave de mi habitación
    Good night can give me the key to my room

    el comedor esta en la primera planta
    the dining room is on the first floor

    perdon como puedo llegar a la catedral ?
    sorry as I can get to the cathedral?

    hoy comeremos en el Macdonals
    Today we eat in the Macdonals
